
  • Women's Alliance

    Our Women’s alliance group has brought us together for Bake Sales, Rummage Sales, Christmas Toy Drives, and our annual May Breakfast.

  • Outreach

    Our Outreach Board! Monthly collections for food for the Food Pantry at St. Luke’s Church, and monthly collections of personal care items for the Sharing Locker at the Unitarian church

  • Christian Education

    Our Sunday School year begins this year on September 11, 2022. Classes are held during the service after Children’s Time. If you would like more information or would like to register your child contact our CE Director, Ruth Burke, at

    Education: We have Sunday School on Sunday mornings for those age 4 to Jr. High. There are opportunities for our Sr. High to support our classes or participate in the service either through music, choir, lay leader opportunities, or supporting our technology within the service. Our Bible-based curriculum follows the American Baptist liturgical calendar and includes play acting, crafts and memory verses. Classes begin after the Children’s Sermon in the Service and continue until the end of the service. Our youngest babies up to age 3 can be settled in the Nursery. You can stay in the Nursey with your child and hear the Service via special microphones and our external video screen.

    Service: Our Youth Program includes many opportunities for experiences of service to others. We participate in many collections to support our local food pantries. We have had Cheerios Challenges where we collect cereal and have a friendly competition creating cereal towers or create a domino train of cereal. We have gone up to Providence to support outdoor services in the community. We are open to any opportunity to reach out to our community and beyond.

    Music: Our Youth Program is blessed to be inspired by retired-music teacher Mrs. Donna O’Brien.

    Fellowship: After Sunday School, all including our youth are invited to our Fellowship Cafe after the service. Our youth support Women’s Alliance at the annual May Breakfast. They serve, clear tables, push pie carts and help with clean up. They’re an integral part of the floor team.

    Evangelism: Our Youth have the opportunity to reach out into the community to share the joy of Jesus Christ.

    Missions: The older members of our Youth are invited to join our Mission Trips.